About admin

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So far admin has created 46 blog entries.

5 future food concepts during and after Corona

Corona will have a (lasting) effect on the way we buy, cook, eat and experience food. Now and in the future. For food companies important to understand and anticipate this change. In this blog we envision 5 directions for future food concepts. To understand how we came to these concepts, please read our earlier blog about [...]


Knorr Food Trips

Knorr's meal boxes have been a success for many years. It is a convenient way to put an internationally inspired meal on the table. Wholesome at the same time, as it is Knorr's mission to make consumers eat vegetable-rich. To stay relevant and surprising Knorr/ Unilever asked Food By Design to help them with an [...]


Digital food innovation and branding

Until now, food has been under-represented in e-commerce compared to other markets such as consumer electronics, entertainment and fashion. But because of Corona, we are now seeing an acceleration in digital shopping and delivery of food. On the one hand because consumers do not want to enter the stores or can’t visit restaurants. On the [...]


Channel innovation in food

Corona is speeding up digitalization in food. The virus also exposes the vulnerability of food companies in the food service industry. Not surprising, that many companies are reconsidering their sales channels and business models to get more out of their food brand and business. The ultimate moment for channel innovation!   1) Offline > online [...]


The Corona effect in food

Suddenly everything has changed. As if somebody has pushed the pause button of mankind. Our unstoppable need for more, faster and further is halted by an invisible force. This affects the way we buy, prepare, eat and experience our food severely. For food companies important to anticipate nearby and future consumer needs. Therefore we developed [...]


The footprintarian is coming!

Did you already hear about the footprintarian? This person is not a vegetarian or vegan, but his or her food choices are primarily led by the CO2 emissions caused by the production and distribution of foods and drinks. It is a growing target group and therefore important to understand in-depth when you are a food [...]


What is Food Design?

Designing is giving meaning to material. And in food design, you can eat or drink part of the material. Shape, taste, texture, smell, sound and colour are the six sensory modalities designers can work with. Giving meaning to the edible and drinkable. In a way that it tells a story or evokes an experience for [...]


West Coast food trends

This year we traveled to the West Coast of America for our yearly shot of food inspiration and interesting food trends. In this blog we share some of our key insights on how food and eating are evolving in food minded Seattle and San Francisco. Food trend #1 Informal, high Q eateries Top class chefs [...]


What does a food trend watcher do?

A food trend watcher is a specialist who focuses on our changing behaviour in relation to food. The way we buy, cook, eat and experience food and beverages is central to this. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a glass ball to look into the future. So, what does a food trend watcher actually [...]


Leev, development of a new brand

Leo Voorwinden had a dream. He wanted to create a 100% natural brand that was availabe at normal supermarkets. The brand is called Leev, which means live. We helped designing the brand into a 1-meter shelf full of 100% natural, highly innovative products, smart packaging, trendy flavours and a unique health vision based on [...]

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